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Motorcyclist at front of queue waiting for traffic light

Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council

The Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council (MSAC) provides independent assurance to the Minister of ACC that ACC is effectively investing the Motorcycle Safety Levy.

About the Council

The Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council (MSAC) was established in 2011 by the then Minister for ACC.

The Council operates independently from ACC.




MSAC’s purpose

The Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council (the Council) exists to provide independent assurance to the Minister for ACC and motorcycle communities, that ACC:

  • Has developed, is maintaining, and is executing a motorcycle safety strategy to reduce the volume and severity of motorcycle injuries.
  • Is employing proven processes, systems and, procedures to ensure:
    • the voice of the motorcycle communities is integrated into its Motorcycle Safety Strategy
    • the motorcycle communities understand its Motorcycle Safety Strategy, how the Motorcycle Safety Levy (MSL) is invested within the strategy, and what results are being achieved.
  • Is fully investing the Motorcycle Safety Levy in accordance with the ACC Act and the Motorcycle Safety Strategy.
  • Is successfully reducing the volume and severity of motorcycle injuries.
  • Is proactively working across Government to reduce the volume and severity of motorcycle injuries and integrate its Motorcycle Safety Strategy in any whole of government road safety strategy.

Find out more about the Motorcycle Safety Strategy

MSAC members

Council members

Garry Williams – Deputy Chair

Kia ora koutou, ko Garry Williams tōku ingoa. I was appointed as Deputy Chair of MSAC in October 2021. I am the immediate past-President and life member of the BMW Motorcycle Club Aotearoa New Zealand. My wife and I live in Okuku, North Canterbury and are both keen adventure riders. This is my first term with MSAC.

I have a genuine interest in helping ACC to integrate the voice of motorcycle communities into the Motorcycle Safety Strategy, and how the Motorcycle Safety Levy is invested within the strategy, and what results are being achieved.

Vicky Drew Secretariat

Vicky has been the Council’s Secretariat since starting at ACC in 2019.

Since joining ACC, Vicky has proven to be a key member of the Road Team in Injury Prevention and has a passion for motorcycle safety. Her role with MSAC has been challenging and enjoyable while also being educational.

Vicky lives in the Wellington and is a member of the Hutt City Chorale and enjoys participating in concerts

Angela McLeod – Member

Angela McLeod is an experienced change maker, community leader and part-owner of a successful motorcycle retail and repair business.  

Amongst other things, she has been the media spokesperson for the Pay Equity Challenge Coalition, was a key spokesperson for the Coalition for Quality Flexible Work Legislation and Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL), and a strong lobbyist on such things as rural connectivity, reducing the rates of violence against women and empowering women through removing barriers they encounter in everyday life. 

Angela has worked in policy, communications, governance, leadership and advisory roles internationally, nationally and locally.  Alongside her husband Mac, she is involved with running Maidstone Yamaha and enjoys living on a lifestyle block in Whiteman’s Valley, often joined by family, friends and various woofers and workawayers from time to time.

Maarama Davis – Member

Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pākeha

I am passionate about riding motorcycles, motorcycle safety being contemporary and inclusive. Having the skills and access to appropriate training. I Initially started riding motorcycles as a 16-year-old then re-found the joy of after a long break from riding or being a pillion later on in life.  I work as a physiotherapist in clinical and non-clinical roles , have held other parliamentary governance and advisory appointments, I work in regulation environments and am connected to my communities.

Andrew (Fale) Lesā – Member

Fale is an elected member of Auckland Council where he takes an active interest in road safety. He grew up around motorcycles and is keen to involve more younger and ethnic riders in road safety campaigns. He's also committed to including industry and other key stakeholders.


Alan Petrie – Member

Nikki Cameron – Member

Nikki is an active member of the adventure riding community. She enjoys exploring the more remote areas of the South Island on 2 wheels and has ridden with international group moto tours in Africa & Vietnam. As GM for a large scale dairy farming group she is focused on safety and training within diverse rural communities. Nikki has formal governance training through IOD & Massey University and is involved with several Advisory Boards”. 

MSAC’s role

The Council’s primary role is to provide assurance to Government and motorcycle communities that ACC is effectively investing the MSL:

  • Into a strategy and programmes that reduce the volume and severity of motorcycle injuries.
  • In accordance with the ACC Act.

Specifically, the Council will provide independent assurance to the Minister that ACC:

  • Has a Motorcycle Safety Strategy in place.
  • Is ensuring the voice of the motorcycle communities is being integrated into the Motorcycle Safety Strategy.
  • Is ensuring the motorcycle communities understand ACC’s Motorcycle Safety Strategy and:
    • how the MSL is invested within the Motorcycle Safety Strategy and what results are being achieved.
    • The cumulative value of the MSL collected to date, what percentage of the MSL has been invested and in what programmes the MSL has been invested.
    • How ACC’s Motorcycle Safety Strategy programmes are performing in relation to forecast outcomes and ACC’s Injury Prevention targets; specifically:
      • Reduced fatalities and serious injuries
      • Claims reductions
      • Return on Investment.
    • How ACC’s Motorcycle Safety Strategy:
      • aligns with any wider Government road safety strategy
      • encourages other Government agencies to support reducing the volume and severity of motorcycle injuries.

Find out more about the Motorcycle Safety Levy

MSAC’s Terms of Reference

MSAC’s Terms of Reference outline the Council’s purpose, role, activities, membership, skills, and support and reporting mechanisms.

Read the MSAC Terms of Reference

MSAC Minutes

Read the minutes from 7 May 2024

Read the minutes from 13 February 2024

Read the minutes from 7 November 2023

Read the minutes from 5 September 2023

Read the Minutes from 11 July 2023

Read the Minutes from 9-10 May 2023

Read the Minutes from 7 February 2023

Contact MSAC

Email: msac@acc.co.nz